Tuesday, April 12, 2016


It's that time again, time for another character bio spotlight! This weeks entry is another active member of Jurisdiction, Codename: Hardwire!


NAME: Shelly Kincaid
AFFILIATION: Jurisdiction

Power – Electronic Manipulation – Lvl 7
Power – Power Suit – Lvl 7
Power – Flight – Lvl 5
Power – Hacker – Lvl 7
    Electronic and computer genius, Hardwire was hacking phone systems and BBS boards before the government knew what a World Wide Web was. Shelly Kincaid grew up in the desert outside of the lights and bustle of Reno, Nevada. Shelly grew up watching her dad tear apart VCRs for the neighbors to fix their tech problems. Her mother was a English professor at Las Vegas University.
    Before she turned 16, she helped create the first Internet data node and her inventions and genius carried her into MIT and beyond. She worked her way through three master degrees before her 23rd birthday. Shelly made her money outside of college by hacking ATMs and various oil conglomerates, siphoning off electronic transactions. This put her in the crosshairs of the Federal Government.
    Shelly was arrested and taken to a black site facility. Her knowledge was used to help the U.S. government build powered armor for their field operatives. During her months in the black site, she met Mr. Darkke. Mr. Darkke offered her a way to recompense for her crimes and help her government at the same time. Mr. Darkke recruited her into the DAA and assigned her to Jurisdiction as computer support.
    Soon, both the DAA and Shelly realized her knowledge and skill with electronics and computer stemmed from her Abnorm powers of Electronic manipulation. Her brain processed in 1s and 0s like a computer system, allowing her to ‘talk” to her computers and other electronics.
    Using her previous plans and designs for the government powered suits, Shelly built herself a Powered envirosuit which she weaponized. She soon became an active member of Jurisdiction, lending her suit and her computer skills to the team. 

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