Monday, April 4, 2016


NAME: Lauri Twilson
ORIGIN: Benton, ND
AFFILIATION: Jurisdiction

Power – Invulnerability – Lvl 7
Power – Power focus (diamond)  – Lvl 7
Power – Flight – Lvl 5

    Lauri Twilson was your average Midwest high school student. Cheerleader, Gymnast, Track & Field runner, Lauri held awards and medals for multiple sports throughout her time in school.
    Lauri was raised in a lower income rural home. Her mother died when Lauri was 5, her father was a subsudized potato farmer. She grew up mainly alone, and often her inquisitiveness got her into trouble. She began focusing her endless energy into sports and gymnastics and excelled at them all.
    When she turned 14 and entered high school, Lauri began getting into trouble, not only at school but in town as well. Often times shed be brought home by the police, to her father passed out on the couch. Her troubles got worse when she realized her gymnastic training would help her break into places.
    Shortly after she turned 17, a package was delivered, from her mother’s father. It was the only thing willed to Lauri. Inside the package was the top to her grandfather’s cane. A huge mounted diamond. When she touched the diamond, it activated her Abnorm powers, Power surged through her and she was encrusted in diamond. When she awoke, Lauri felt different. She realized her skin was as hard as diamond, and she soon realized she was able to fly. All these powers came to her when she held this diamond, or had it on her person. She took the name Facet to reflect her new powers and new gift.
    Soon, she used her powers to help her breaking into places, until she was captured by Alpha and Tsunami. She agreed to register her powers, and join the DAA under the condition her record would be expunged. Facet has a problem with authority, but listens to Alpha and Tsunami without question. She trusts her teammates, even if her mouth and her bad sense of humor sometimes gets her into trouble.

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