Monday, April 25, 2016



NAME: Unknown
ORIGIN: Unknown

Immortality – Lvl 8
Super Intelligence – Lvl 8
Invulnerability – Lvl 5
Reality Control – Lvl 6

         The being that calls himself Tartarus has appeared throughout time since history was recorded. Signs of his actions and resulting changes to culture or the world itself are seen throughout recorded history. He claims to have whispered into the ear of roman spearmen crucifying Christians, given paints and seeded hatred into an Austrian child, walked with angels and imprisoned fallen angels, and told a Roman ruler to play his violin as his empire burned. His origin is unknown, but currently he has awoken again at the beginning of the new millennium.
        Tartarus is what our ancient forefathers would have called an Angel. To be more precise, he is a Fallen Angel. He is an alien that was sent to protect this planet during its nascent years, and instead decided to exploit it for his own gains. He was exiled to the Earth and since, has been a darkened hand guiding humanity as he sees fit. His first origins that is documented, was he was one of the seven beings that got together to form the Sept. The Sept is the group who saw the future, and saw the need for abnorms in the future of our timeline. The Sept was the cause of the DNA changing Prodigy strain that helped implant abnorm DNA onto ours. At the time (the 1910s) He went by the name ‘Dr. Montego’. Tartarus is a genius biologist and was the originator of the original strain that was used by the Sept to change our DNA. Tartarus claims his reasons for helping was honest and true, but ultimately, it was not.
        Tartarus has a group of loyal followers that were all directly created or modified by him, He calls this group Titans. These are his generals and are usually the way he affects the outside world. Tartarus is the silent Owner of Tartarus Inc. a bio tech conglomerate. This world-wide corporation keeps his resources flush.
        Being an alien or angel, Tartarus has two small mutated arms around his waist. These arms are the source of his reality-altering powers. He keeps these additional arms hidden in meal enclosures on his waist. He does not seem to have control of these arms, or their powers. His head always seems to be in deep shadow, and no one has truly seen his entire face. It is not known if the face we see is a mask, or his true face, But most who see even this face, often die shortly afterwards, so no reports make it back.
        Tartarus believes that this world belongs to him and it is his right to affect the history or outcome of any civilization. His meddling often times brings about world-level disaster, and often planned five steps ahead. Tartars’ genius almost knows no bounds. He is a danger to the world and possibly beyond.

Monday, April 18, 2016


Another Week, Another Hero!
This is the final member of Jurisdiction, and the last active member on the roster, aside from team B and any of the reserve members. I give you; Shrug!

NAME: Adrian Brookstone
ORIGIN: Denver, CO
AFFILIATION: Jurisdiction

Power – Shield Creation– Lvl 6
Power – Energy Absorption  – Lvl 3

    Adrian Brookstone Was your average high school nerd and small target for bullies. Adrian was attacked during his finals and his powers manifested. Adrian threw a bully across the room, injuring the boy. He graduated high school and applied to multiple colleges with multiple apology letters. 
    Adrian later worked at a local bar as a bartender until he received a letter in the mail.
Adrian was selected for his SAT scores and accelerated into the FBI training program. 
   Adrian excelled at both the physical and the clerical side of the FBI. He was made an Intelligence analyst and given a desk job. Adrian helped stop many criminal organizations, and began training for counter terrorism unit within the FBI.
    That was until Adrian was pulled into an office with the director and a unknown man. The man named himself Mr. Darkke and explained to Adrian his position. Mr. Darkke then offered Adrian a position within the newly formed Department of Abnormal Affairs as an active member of a strike team. He took the position offered to him and left the FBi shortly after. Darkke took Adrian to the DAA building and explained to Adrian what he job was at the DAA. Darkke gave Adrian the name Shrug, as a nod to his ability to shrug off most energy forms directed at him via his shields.
   Shrug is the newest member of Jurisdiction and in in training under Alphas supervision. Shrug is an adult, but is seen on the team as the "new kid", often getting teased by Black Bag and the others. He is level headed and sometimes is the clearest thinker in the group.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


It's that time again, time for another character bio spotlight! This weeks entry is another active member of Jurisdiction, Codename: Hardwire!


NAME: Shelly Kincaid
AFFILIATION: Jurisdiction

Power – Electronic Manipulation – Lvl 7
Power – Power Suit – Lvl 7
Power – Flight – Lvl 5
Power – Hacker – Lvl 7
    Electronic and computer genius, Hardwire was hacking phone systems and BBS boards before the government knew what a World Wide Web was. Shelly Kincaid grew up in the desert outside of the lights and bustle of Reno, Nevada. Shelly grew up watching her dad tear apart VCRs for the neighbors to fix their tech problems. Her mother was a English professor at Las Vegas University.
    Before she turned 16, she helped create the first Internet data node and her inventions and genius carried her into MIT and beyond. She worked her way through three master degrees before her 23rd birthday. Shelly made her money outside of college by hacking ATMs and various oil conglomerates, siphoning off electronic transactions. This put her in the crosshairs of the Federal Government.
    Shelly was arrested and taken to a black site facility. Her knowledge was used to help the U.S. government build powered armor for their field operatives. During her months in the black site, she met Mr. Darkke. Mr. Darkke offered her a way to recompense for her crimes and help her government at the same time. Mr. Darkke recruited her into the DAA and assigned her to Jurisdiction as computer support.
    Soon, both the DAA and Shelly realized her knowledge and skill with electronics and computer stemmed from her Abnorm powers of Electronic manipulation. Her brain processed in 1s and 0s like a computer system, allowing her to ‘talk” to her computers and other electronics.
    Using her previous plans and designs for the government powered suits, Shelly built herself a Powered envirosuit which she weaponized. She soon became an active member of Jurisdiction, lending her suit and her computer skills to the team. 

Monday, April 4, 2016


NAME: Lauri Twilson
ORIGIN: Benton, ND
AFFILIATION: Jurisdiction

Power – Invulnerability – Lvl 7
Power – Power focus (diamond)  – Lvl 7
Power – Flight – Lvl 5

    Lauri Twilson was your average Midwest high school student. Cheerleader, Gymnast, Track & Field runner, Lauri held awards and medals for multiple sports throughout her time in school.
    Lauri was raised in a lower income rural home. Her mother died when Lauri was 5, her father was a subsudized potato farmer. She grew up mainly alone, and often her inquisitiveness got her into trouble. She began focusing her endless energy into sports and gymnastics and excelled at them all.
    When she turned 14 and entered high school, Lauri began getting into trouble, not only at school but in town as well. Often times shed be brought home by the police, to her father passed out on the couch. Her troubles got worse when she realized her gymnastic training would help her break into places.
    Shortly after she turned 17, a package was delivered, from her mother’s father. It was the only thing willed to Lauri. Inside the package was the top to her grandfather’s cane. A huge mounted diamond. When she touched the diamond, it activated her Abnorm powers, Power surged through her and she was encrusted in diamond. When she awoke, Lauri felt different. She realized her skin was as hard as diamond, and she soon realized she was able to fly. All these powers came to her when she held this diamond, or had it on her person. She took the name Facet to reflect her new powers and new gift.
    Soon, she used her powers to help her breaking into places, until she was captured by Alpha and Tsunami. She agreed to register her powers, and join the DAA under the condition her record would be expunged. Facet has a problem with authority, but listens to Alpha and Tsunami without question. She trusts her teammates, even if her mouth and her bad sense of humor sometimes gets her into trouble.