Wednesday, March 23, 2016


CODE NAME: Tsunami
NAME: Ana Keapulehu
ORIGIN: Hilo, Hawaii
AFFILIATION: Jurisdiction

Water Control   - Lvl 4
Water Temperature Control – Lvl 3

    Ana Keapulehu was your average Hawaiian tropic tanned surfer girl. She grew up on the North shore and moved to the Big Island. She was an avid surfer and loved the ocean. Ana graduated high school and focused on college with a criminal justice background. Her father was a police officer and her mother was a prison nurse.

    During a surfing competition on Maui, Ana slipped and was pulled under the wave, being drowned slowly by a rip current. Her powers manifested and she created a small tsunami launching her free, but crashing the giant wave on the shore, injuring 14 beach goers. With cameras on Ana, her abnorm power was at fault and she was court ordered to do community service for her accident.

    After the sentencing, Ana was approached in the courtroom by Mr. Drake. The mysterious Mr. Drake offered Ana a way out of her punishment and a way to help her country. She agreed to join the DAA for aquatic missions and teach open water survival. 

    Ana became a member of Jurisdiction and took the name Tsunami, given to her by Alpha. She has an unrequited romantic interest in Augustus “Alpha” Reid.
Tsunami's powers include Water control, Water manipulation and to some extent, Water creation. She is working on learning how to "harden" the water, and to form shapes beyond using it to "surf". 

    She was made Commander of Jurisdiction and helps lead the team during combat, letting Alpha be the figurehead and their poster boy during press ops.

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