Thursday, March 17, 2016


NAME: Special Agent Augustus Reid
ORIGIN: Washington D.C.
AFFILIATION: Jurisdiction


  • Strength 1000 tons  - Lvl 4
  • Speed 300mph -Lvl 3
  • Flight mach 4 - Lvl4
  • Invulnerability - Lvl4

     Augustus Reid grew up in a suburb just outside Washington D.C. He has two sisters and his mother. His father was killed in Desert Storm. His mother was a senate subcommittee assistant. Augustus' grandfather was known as one of the world's first superheroes, Captain Victory. Captain Victory protected the U.S. and fought during World War 1. Augustus himself fought from a young age. He learned to stand up to bullies and to protect those who were weaker. 
     Augustus hit puberty and found he was a marksman as well as a boxer. During his puberty, Alpha's abnorm powers manifested during a boxing match. Augustus almost killed his opponent and shattered 15 bones, including jaw, nasal ridge and orbital bone. His super strength grew in intensity as well as his speed and flight. From cub scouts, to ROTC, to archery class, to the police force, to SWAT to the DEA, Augustus climbed in position and skill. While working in the D.C. field office for the DEA, Alpha was put in charge of a team. During his leadership in the DEA, he was handpicked by a strange suit named Mr. Darkke. 
    Mr. Darkke sold Alpha on joining a new department, far and above the authority of the DEA. With his skills and long registered Abnorm powers, Augustus was born to join and lead this new department of the Federal Government. Darkke handed Augustus to Director Franklin of Homeland Security. Director Franklin formed The new Department of Abnormal Affairs. The DAA began to gather registered abnorms with the help of Mr. Darkke. Once the team was established, word was given and Augustus Reid was made Primary Special Agent in Command. 
    Alpha is seen as the world's "Poster Boy" for America. Goodness and wholesomeness are synonymous with the name Alpha. He is the stereotypical Superhero "do-gooder", and often, his morals prevent him from crossing the line and doing what needs to be done. This doesn't make him oblivious to this outdated thinking, but he feels there is hope in everyone. This attitude often gets him at odds with BlackBag, Who seems to be the darkness to Alpha's light.  


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