Tuesday, March 29, 2016


CODE NAME: Black Bag
Black Bag

NAME: (Current) John Adams (original- Unknown)
ORIGIN: Unknown
AFFILIATION: Jurisdiction

Lazarus – Level 5
Heightened Agility – Lvl 3
Tactical Guns – Lvl 3

    Black Bag Is a government agent and member of the Super Hero team, Jurisdiction. The origin and history of Black Bag is unknown for the most part.
     The first recorded sighting of the man known as Black Bag was during the revolutionary war. A man calling himself ‘Sean’ was recorded running among the Native American tribes, fighting the English with hit and run guerrilla tactics. Next sighting was a man calling himself George Washington Fisher fighting alongside the Texans during their Independence War. Then later, Black Bag was pictured in the North during the Revolutionary war.
    Through two World Wars, the Korean and Vietnam War, Bay of Pigs, Grenada, Panama, Bosnia, Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq, The entity known as Black Bag seems to thrive when put into a warzone with objectives. He is a soldier, and agent used to do things normal soldiers cannot do, or the risk of lives would be too great.
    Currently, He goes by the name John Adams, was assigned to the DAA and Jurisdiction via Mr. Darkke. He has contacts all over the world, and often uses hidden or reserved resources to complete his missions.  He answers directly to the director of the DAA and has more than casual communication with Mr. Darkke. Often on missions Black Bag has secondary objectives known only to him. This causes friction between him and his team members. Black Bag is loyal to his teammates but often, his “get shit done” attitude causes unnecessary problems within the team dynamic.  

    Black Bag has an undeniable affinity for the team, but often keeps himself separated from the team during off hours. Not sure if it is his desire to stay unattached but he makes sure every member of his team comes home. 
    Black Bag keeps his personal life out of anyone from jurisdiction's sight. He has a female love interest, but at this time, no one on the team, or in the DAA is aware of any personal ties to him. 

    Black Bag has extensive centuries of training with conventional weapons, both melee and ballistic. He has ground survival training, sea, air, and land navigation skills, Combat driving and full training on all modern and older aircraft and sea craft. He is a Close combat martial artist and has been trained in multiple forms and styles. He has explosive training and sniper training as well. Along with his extensive skills with firearms, Black bag seems to have heightened agility and reflexes.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


CODE NAME: Tsunami
NAME: Ana Keapulehu
ORIGIN: Hilo, Hawaii
AFFILIATION: Jurisdiction

Water Control   - Lvl 4
Water Temperature Control – Lvl 3

    Ana Keapulehu was your average Hawaiian tropic tanned surfer girl. She grew up on the North shore and moved to the Big Island. She was an avid surfer and loved the ocean. Ana graduated high school and focused on college with a criminal justice background. Her father was a police officer and her mother was a prison nurse.

    During a surfing competition on Maui, Ana slipped and was pulled under the wave, being drowned slowly by a rip current. Her powers manifested and she created a small tsunami launching her free, but crashing the giant wave on the shore, injuring 14 beach goers. With cameras on Ana, her abnorm power was at fault and she was court ordered to do community service for her accident.

    After the sentencing, Ana was approached in the courtroom by Mr. Drake. The mysterious Mr. Drake offered Ana a way out of her punishment and a way to help her country. She agreed to join the DAA for aquatic missions and teach open water survival. 

    Ana became a member of Jurisdiction and took the name Tsunami, given to her by Alpha. She has an unrequited romantic interest in Augustus “Alpha” Reid.
Tsunami's powers include Water control, Water manipulation and to some extent, Water creation. She is working on learning how to "harden" the water, and to form shapes beyond using it to "surf". 

    She was made Commander of Jurisdiction and helps lead the team during combat, letting Alpha be the figurehead and their poster boy during press ops.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


NAME: Special Agent Augustus Reid
ORIGIN: Washington D.C.
AFFILIATION: Jurisdiction


  • Strength 1000 tons  - Lvl 4
  • Speed 300mph -Lvl 3
  • Flight mach 4 - Lvl4
  • Invulnerability - Lvl4

     Augustus Reid grew up in a suburb just outside Washington D.C. He has two sisters and his mother. His father was killed in Desert Storm. His mother was a senate subcommittee assistant. Augustus' grandfather was known as one of the world's first superheroes, Captain Victory. Captain Victory protected the U.S. and fought during World War 1. Augustus himself fought from a young age. He learned to stand up to bullies and to protect those who were weaker. 
     Augustus hit puberty and found he was a marksman as well as a boxer. During his puberty, Alpha's abnorm powers manifested during a boxing match. Augustus almost killed his opponent and shattered 15 bones, including jaw, nasal ridge and orbital bone. His super strength grew in intensity as well as his speed and flight. From cub scouts, to ROTC, to archery class, to the police force, to SWAT to the DEA, Augustus climbed in position and skill. While working in the D.C. field office for the DEA, Alpha was put in charge of a team. During his leadership in the DEA, he was handpicked by a strange suit named Mr. Darkke. 
    Mr. Darkke sold Alpha on joining a new department, far and above the authority of the DEA. With his skills and long registered Abnorm powers, Augustus was born to join and lead this new department of the Federal Government. Darkke handed Augustus to Director Franklin of Homeland Security. Director Franklin formed The new Department of Abnormal Affairs. The DAA began to gather registered abnorms with the help of Mr. Darkke. Once the team was established, word was given and Augustus Reid was made Primary Special Agent in Command. 
    Alpha is seen as the world's "Poster Boy" for America. Goodness and wholesomeness are synonymous with the name Alpha. He is the stereotypical Superhero "do-gooder", and often, his morals prevent him from crossing the line and doing what needs to be done. This doesn't make him oblivious to this outdated thinking, but he feels there is hope in everyone. This attitude often gets him at odds with BlackBag, Who seems to be the darkness to Alpha's light.  


March 17, Rebirth of the Blog!


Decided to get off the bench and register the blog again. Found out i never lost it, it's been sitting here in cobwebs. So i thought it was time to get this thing back to life!
New artwork in the pipeline,
New storylines for the comics.
The online teaser is being finished.
The main comic book is getting framed out and fleshed out.

Things are looking up as we move forward. We got a ton of followers, and people checking the Facebook page and eating up the posts. Andrew is getting his comics together and mine are being revamped and set up. I figured i'd kick out a bunch of posts to help describe our universe and the teams within it.

This post will be the first, helping get people acclimated to our world. This aint no Marvel universe, and this aint no DC universe. It is MONITOR universe! We're hoping to entertain you with awesome stories, fantastic artwork, and mine blowing graphics and colors. So come on in and check out how our world is different.

The word "Abnorm" is short for Abnormal. It has become a descriptor to label and catalog those humans who exhibit powers beyond the natural. "Abnorm" used in this sense wasn't commonplace until the early 1970s.

In 1911, a mysterious sect of people got together and created a virus. This virus was known as the Genesis Strain. This strain of virus was to alter the DNA of people infected, giving their DNA a way to change and give them super powers. The base of this virus was the H1N1 influenza virus since the base virus altered the person's DNA after the virus had passed.There was a cure created along side of this Genesis strain. This virus was then taken and, with the (forced) help of the preeminent doctors and biologists, The virus was taken and re-examined, and made with no possible cure. This virus, known as the Prodigy strain was then spread world wide by that same group of people.

In 1918, during the first World War, A flu was spreading across the world. The virus was coined "The Spanish Flu". This flu infected and hit almost 500 million people worldwide. The virus was spreading across all ports and towns, and the armies and troops in trenches spread the flu like wildfire.

The Prodigy virus was first tested on a military base in Fort Riley Army Base in Haskell, Kansas, where the first confirmed U.S. sightings of the virus appeared. Those in  Haskell, Kansas were test subjects. Soon the virus was sent all over the world through troops, medical personnel, livestock and Pigeons used for message carriers. The Prodigy virus was engineered to affect DNA but not directly in the victim. It was to lay dormant and affect the Recessive dominant genes to affect the offsping or "prodigy" of the infected. The symptoms this virus cause was hidden by the influenza already attacking the body.

Fast Forward to 1976. - Fort Dix, New Jersey

The 1976 swine flu outbreak, also known as the swine flu fiasco,[1] or the swine flu debacle, was a strain of H1N1 influenza virus that appeared in 1976. Infectious morbidity was only detected from January 19 to February 9, and were not found outside Fort Dix.[2] The outbreak is most remembered for the mass immunization that it prompted in the United States. The strain itself killed one person and hospitalized 13.[2] However, side-effects from the vaccine are thought to have caused five hundred cases of Guillain–BarrĂ© syndrome and 25 deaths.

There was no swine flu outbreak. This was the first active test for the prodigy virus. Latent Abnormal powers were activate within 14 people. One "officially" died and the other 13 were changed. The actual flu was used as a smoke screen for the first abnorm activation. The group released the swine flu as a way to not only hide their tests, but also as a possible way to activate mass powers in infected, due to the hidden "Prodigy strain" in their DNA.

A fire was reported on the base shortly after the 13 infected were housed in a quarantined building.

2009. -

First described in April 2009, the virus appeared to be a new strain of H1N1 which resulted when a previous triple re-assortment of bird, swine and human flu viruses further combined with a Eurasian pig flu virus, leading to the term "swine flu" to be used for this pandemic. The virus activated thousands of dormant recessive genes across the world. As thousands of people became “abnormally empowered”. The prodigy strain attached itself to random points along the DNA string. Powers varied as much as the locations of the DNA mutation. Powers would not activate unless the person was put in stressful positions or in a place to use their power to survive. No country in the world was without their own populace explosion of abnorms. Groups and ‘teams’ began to form, some gained celebrity status, while others began a life of crime.
2009. -
• U.S. government opened the DAA Department of Abnormal Affairs. All current federal agents showing Abnorm signs were reassigned to the DAA. A man named Mr. Darkke gained the support of Congress and the President to siphon off defense funds for the DAA.

• DAA is run by Special Director Michael Sonerro.

• DAA has a “super hero cleanup team” called Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction protects the United States, both foreign and domestic.

• As of 2009, corporations begin using abnorms to “protect investments”. Abnorms begin selling their skills as mercenaries to the highest paying companies. These corporate investment teams are licensed and insured through their respective companies.

2010. -
• Any abnorm who has powers and wishes to fight crime, are required to register with the federal government, become insured, and go through a military and law enforcement training class. This bill passed into law without incident. 

• Any abnorms operating without a license are considered a criminal and are treated as such. Extreme violence and aggressive enforcement of the Federal mandate has curtailed most vigilantes.

• Criminal organizations were soon overtaken by abnorm criminal masterminds. An underground civil war is still raging in many countries to see who will end up controlling many of those criminal organizations. Other crime syndicates found abnorms within their ranks, and fell in behind their powered leaders.

• Signs have been surfacing of extraterrestrial visitation, possibly due to the virus and gene-manipulation becoming our next step in evolution. Others think the appearance of abnorms is against the Alien’s “plan” for us.

• Some abnorm powers allowed some people to access previously blocked portion of the brain. One of those portions is Magic. Magic itself has begun to show back up in the world. Signs abnorms having control of magic are popping up.

• The United Nations forms its own Super Team called The Peacekeepers. Each member comes from a country within the U.N.

• Some states within the U.S. are beginning to form their own sanctioned “super teams”. All except Washington state.

• Washington is considered “Abnorm free” and deport any found abnorms.

• Many states have passed bills giving “kill on site” orders to any abnorm caught in a crime or interfering with police business in the pursuit of a criminal. A ‘take no prisoners’ view of abnorm criminals is slowly gaining ground across the United States.

• Many metropolitan areas have many super heroes and villains within the cities. Teams are forming on both sides. Police and civilians are caught in the middle and not waiting to see who is on who’s side.

• 2010: Canada forms its own national team, called Aegis.

It is now 2016... and the world is much different place. This is where you come in.