Wednesday, May 25, 2016



NAME: Kharon
ORIGIN: Tartarus labratories
AFFILIATION: Tartarus Inc.
Shadow Form - Lvl 8
Super Intelligence – Lvl 5
Shadow Bolts - Lvl 6
Teleportation (shadows) - Lvl 5

Kharon is the silent assistant and lead assassin for Tartarus. Kharon is one of the "Titans" that Tartarus uses as his generals in his army. No one knows his origin, but his first appearance was alongside Tartarus and at that point, he was never seen without Kharon at his side.

Kharon seems to be made entirely of shadow, a physical form manifested through effort, will and hatred.
His hair and arms often leave off bubbles of shadow and his hands often hold a weapon or more commonly seen, his Boatman's oar. He wears both wrist and ankle Titan bands, which are not know if they hold his power, or just link him to Tartarus. Kharon has no visible mouth, but he seems to speak to people mentally, looking at them, and having them answer questions he never spoke aloud.