Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Seed Is Born

Hello Readers.
                  So i was sitting at my house, looking at my monitor with some artwork for a friend's forum. I looked to my right, to the massive pile of used and unused comic book pages beside my portfolio. All included were covered in a shameful tiny layer of dust of misuse. Something inside of me snapped. Something within my soul raged full of hatred at my waste of talent. I burst. i sat bolt  upright in my chair and demanded I wake up. I knew i wasn't happy with just admiring someone else's comics or reading stories from someone else's universe. I can do this.. I can make my own comic company. I can publish my own books.. and find like minded artists who want to help propel my universe. I shouted to myself "Fuck it! I'm doin' it!"

I called my few comic artist friends and told them " I'm f-ing doin' it!" the response was a "awesome.. can I help?" I pointed to their likewise ignored piles of ignored heroes and story lines they accumulated. From the birth of children, to new jobs, double overtime, marriage and moving, They too left their dreams sleep. They began picking up the pencil and brush.  I have slowly been working with each one to forge this new path for our most beloved form of art: Comic Books. Next I spoke with a good friend at work; Andrew, who jumped at the idea, but kept a safe distance as his plate was still full from the side jobs he took on to keep his creativity flowing. He worked through some character designs and took a look at my budding universe. I could see the idea was growing on him. Day by day the more i drew, the more Andrew came around to joining this cause. Helping me "carry the flag" so to speak.

My next step was to contact Brian. Brian has been with me since the nascent stages of my love of comics, and was my college roommate when we both went to Art school (for comics). Brian is the other half of our graphic design and art studio: Sho'Nuff Studios. He too has a nice pile of long forgotten art and comics sitting in his room. From children and moving, marriage and a new job, I hoped this would light a fire under him. I called Brian and smugly boasted, "" I'm f-ing doin' it!" We talked, as he sort of sounded more hurt than happy, as I explained this is bigger than our art studio. Bigger than us drawing some sequential art. This is producing quality comic books with full, modern story lines. I could tell his mind was open to a wider view of our older studios-based way of looking at comic books. I saw the smoke of the fire I lit. I loved it.

So it has begun. I have decided to pull my dust-covered and ignored comic book characters from their tomb-like sleep and breathe new life into them. I want to thank everyone else who knows my skills at drawing, and creation and pushed me to get the hell out of the computer chair. I needed it. Now I am gaining speed as this thing is starting to roll downhill. Keep posted I will be putting some character bios up soon as well as illustrations for character sketches.

Keep Em Peeled!

- Shonuff